single most critical piece of OHV related legislation in Utah.

Author Topic: single most critical piece of OHV related legislation in Utah.  (Read 4849 times)

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single most critical piece of OHV related legislation in Utah.
« on: February 11, 2010, 07:41:47 PM »
Important OHV Legislation Introduced In Utah House - Your Support Needed
Dear BRC Action Alert Subscriber,
Dale Bartholomew from Utah just sent us information about some important legislation just introduced in the Utah House of Representatives.
I have pasted his emails below; please take a couple of minutes to read over the information and pass it along.
Ric Foster
Public Lands Department Manager
BlueRibbon Coalition
208-237-1008 ext 107
Hi all-
There is a critical piece of legislation that was just introduced into the Utah House of Representatives by Representative Mike Noel of Kanab.  As you know, Representative Noel is a strong advocate of public land access, and is a friend of ATV riders in Utah.  The bill is being carried in the Utah Senate by Senator Ralph Okerlund of Monroe, another champion and friend of the OHV community.
The legislation is HB179, and is probably the single most critical piece of OHV related legislation that I have ever seen in Utah.  In addition to making some rather small corrections in the law, it does one very critical thing:  It removes a provision in the law that would \"sunset\" the motor fuel tax appropriation that is returned to State Parks to fund the OHV program.  As the law now stands, we stand to lose $1 Million a year if this bill does not pass!!  This is the money that we use to fund trail maintenance and development; build facilities on the trails; fund SAR activities and a whole host of other OHV related activities.  This is the money that keeps our trails open, and is money that you pay into the system every time you buy gas for your ATV, snowmobile, or motorcycle!
So, here is the assignment for the day:  If you live in Utah, PLEASE contact your state Representative and Senator and urge them to support HB179. And while you are at it, contact Representative Noel and Senator Okerlund and give them a big \"Atta-Boy\".  If you don\'t live in Utah but enjoy riding here, a few well placed emails to the Utah Legislature detailing the money you spent here riding the trails would be time well spent!!  
You can find details on HB179, or contact your legislator by visiting the Utah Legislature\'s website at
Let me tell you that because of the timing of HB179, it is the single most critical piece of legislation that has come before the legislature during my tenure in state government service, at least as far as OHV interests are concerned.
Fred Hayes OHV Coordinator
The best way we have to protect the trails we have is through more education of the riding public, and through better trail signage to show people where they can and cannot go. That takes money, which we have paid in fuel taxes for our machines. It\'s only right the tax moneys be used for things related to the way it was generated... OHV use.  
Also for all concerned it is very easy to find who your Senator and Representative is by going to and enter your address or even click where you live on the map on the page. Everything you need to contact them is then provided. Email, mailing address, even phone numbers if you want to actually talk to them.
The BlueRibbon Coalition is a national (non-profit) trail-saving group that represents over 600,000 recreationists nationwide The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) season is beginning. Federal employees, please mark BlueRibbon Coalition and Check #11402 on your CFC pledge form to support our efforts to protect your access. Join us at 1-800-258-3742
As a non-profit, grassroots organization funded primarily by membership dues and donations, we greatly appreciate your support. Visit to help fund our efforts to protect your
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